Friday, May 29, 2009

Google Preschool Day

Over thirty volunteers from Google will help expand Home Sweet Home Preschool’s play options for children as they build a playhouse, balance beams, and a performance stage. High school youth enrolled in Home Sweet Home’s Child Development Program will help lead the Google volunteers in the projects throughout the day.

Wednesday June 10, 2009
9 AM - 3 PM
1900 Third Street
Alameda, CA 94501
Lunch will be served.

We are looking for additional volunteers and project leads. If you have interest in helping out a great youth organization, then please contact Kandra Rivers at

Athletic Fun Day success!

The freshman class at BASE, the high school of Alternatives in Action, sponsored an Athletic Fun Day at Woodstock Park in Alameda on May 22, 2009 to benefit Alameda Boys and Girls Club.Activities at the event included: football, basketball, soccer and volleyball, as well as a jumper, raffles, and games designed by the high school students. The student organizers invited the surrounding elementary and middle schools as well as community and family members to attend the fundraiser.

1st pix, shown: BASE High School students, Nia and Tatiana
2nd pix, shown: BASE High School students, Ahmed, Tatiana, Jessica, Asia, Luis, John and Vanessa

photos by Patricia Murillo

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Rotary Club grant for Alternatives in Action

We are pleased to receive a grant from Alameda's Rotary Club to support our Big Friends program at Home Sweet Home, the preschool of Alternatives in Action. This program provides adult mentorship of youth in early childhood education and prepares youth for careers with young children. Belule and Martha ("Big Friends") of Bay Area School of Enterprise, the high school of Alternatives in Action, were invited to the May 27, 2009 meeting of the Rotary Club to receive this grant.

Shown in photo: Alternatives in Action's Executive Director Patricia Murillo, Bay Area School of Enterprise students ("Big Friends") Belule and Martha, and Rotary President John T. Spafford.

Photo by Kandra Rivers, Home Sweet Home Preschool Director

Friday, May 22, 2009

Come work for us

We are now hiring!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Friday's festivities

The low-down on Friday's festivities:

Twenty-five students from the Bay Area School of Enterprise High School are collaborating with the Boys and Girls Club of Alameda on Friday, May 22, 2009 from 3pm-5pm to raise funds for the development of Alameda's new West End Youth Development Center. The Center will be built behind the Woodstock Education Center, where the Bay Area School of Enterprise is located. All money raised from the fundraiser will be donated to The Boys and Girls Club of Alameda Building Fund.

"We are excited about having a new recreation center in our community," says Asia Laigo, one of the student organizers. "The club will provide tons of opportunities for teens and children, and we wanted to help it get built. By doing this fundraiser, we hope to have a domino effect--if people see us doing this, then hopefully they will step up too and our dream will become a reality."

"My students have set as their goal to raise $1,000 at our fundraiser," says Samzie Hudson, the Bay Area School of Enterprise teacher of these tenth-grade students. "The fundraising event is the culmination of a semester-long enterprise project which engaged the youth in identifying an issue in their community and then being a part of the solution. And they are determined." The Bay Area School of Enterprise is a program of Alternatives in Action, which works with youth who have leadership potential and prepares them for college, career, and community.

The fundraising event will feature activities promoting the importance of healthy living and physical activities. Special guest Kenny Harrison, a four-time Olympic gold medalist in the triple jump will be participating in the athletic fun day and will lead all the participants in a warm up before the games. Activities at the event will include: football, basketball, soccer and volleyball, as well as a jumper, and games designed by the high school students. Raffle tickets will be sold and winners will be announced at the event. The student organizers have invited the surrounding elementary and middle schools as well as community and family members to attend the fundraiser.


Woodstock Education Center Field
1900 3rd St.
Alameda, CA 94501

Date & Time:

Friday, May 22-, 2009, 3-5pm

Contact Info:

Amanda Kruger Hill, Director, Bay Area School of Enterprise, 510-748-4314 x. 300

Monday, May 18, 2009

BASE High School STILL needs your support!

Bay Area School Of Enterprise (BASE) High School STILL Needs Your Support!

On Thursday May 28, 2009, BASE students will present their portfolios that demonstrate they have met their academic and personal goals to a panel of community members. Panelists will ask critical questions and provide feedback to the youth about their portfolios.

We are recruiting community members for the following times:

10:30-12:30 PM
1-3 PM
3:30-5:30 PM

Two hours from your day will make a difference to our youth and you!

If you are interested in making a difference, please email Jonna at or call her at 510-748-4314 x 317 to volunteer just two hours of your time.

Alternatives in Action, home of BASE High School
1900 Third Street
Alameda, CA 94501

When: Thursday May 28, 2009

Friday, May 15, 2009

Poker Tournament this Sunday

Come join Home Sweet Home families and staff this Sunday, May 17th and test your Poker Mojo. The tournament starts at 3pm and the winner walks away with a three night stay in Lake Tahoe. $40 for pre-registration and $45 at the door. Youth from the Careers with Children class and the Home Sweet Home staff have been working hard to organize a fun filled day for the children coinciding with the tournament, whether you or someone you know is going to be a contestant or whether you just want a fun day out without the kids, this service is available for everyone. The day will include food, art, a movie and much more.

Spread the word about this fun event. Write for more information.

Alternatives in Action

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Baby birds on campus

We were surprised and pleased to find that we have new denizens in our community garden today.