Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thank You

Happy Thanksgiving to all our supporters! Thank you for investing your time, expertise and dollars to develop the leadership potential of our youth.

Board of Directors 2009-10

Alex Kexel

Angela Sterling-Vick

Apolonio Valdovinos

Bruce Bothwell, DDS

Deborah Hodgkinson

Gail Ann Greely

Jonothan D. Soglin, Esq

Justin Harrison

Lisa Laigo­

Mary Gallagher

Patricia Murillo

Reginald Hillmon

Rob Siltanen

Shani Washington

Susan Pieper

William H. Paris III

Board of Directors 2008-09

Alex Kexel

Angela Sterling-Vicks

Belule Michael

Bruce Bothwell, DDS

Donna Wyatt

Gail Greely

Justin Harrison

Lisa Laigo

Mary Gallagher

Patricia Murillo

Reginald Hillmon

Robert Bonta

SamZie Hudson

Susan Pieper

William Paris III


Abraham R. Epton

Aditya Palande

Alex Kexel

Alex Vila

Aliza Z. Parpia

Angela Sterling-Vicks

Anurag Agarwal

Belule Michael

Ben McBride

Brittany Staffield

Bruce Bothwell, DDS

Carrie Zhou

Casey Fenton

Cesy Martinez

Christina Martinez

Christy Elder

Ciana Presco

Dan Cheng

David Mears

David Smydra

Derek Turner

Donna Wyatt

Edna Cabcabin Moran

Ellen Liu

Fern Kruger

Gail Ann Greely

Girts Folkmanis

Google Volunteers

Grace Webber

Greta Kirshenbaum

Howard Lindsay

J. Ramsey Arlington

James F. Keller

Jeff Cambra

Jun Yang

Justin Harrison

Kai Moran

Kai Shen

Karthik M. Nagaraj

Kimberly Cross

Kirsten Davidson

Lauren Lohnberg

LeRoy Francis

Linda Nhem

Lisa Laigo

Luke Moran

Mark Moran

Mary Gallagher

Matthew Beaumont-Gay

Matthew Gabler

Mike Brownlee

Mohan P. Salunke

Nandu Ramani

Owen Prater

Peter Klier

Rawan Hakeem

Reginald Hillmon

Rob Bonta

Rob Siltanen

Sam Wu

SamZie Hudson

Sandra Liu

Scott S. Benson

Scott Z. Cunningham

Senoit M. Lafortune

Stephanie Movahhed

Susan H. Pieper

Team Up for Youth

Victor Valenzuela

Vladimir Berson

Williams H. Paris III



Adalberto & Socorro Contreras

Adrian Nunez

Alberto Contreras

Alex Kexel

Alex Vila

Allan Sperling

Alvin & Janice Humphrey

Amanda Kruger Hill

Amy Fauver

Amy R. Kermott

Anastasia Alvarado

Andrew and Rosemary Dubois

Ann Casper & Mark Irons

Ann Folk

Ann Jenson

Anne Neale

Apolonio Valdovinos & Isaiah Hurtado

Argelia Macias

Aubrey O. Dent, M.D.

Barbara Hedin

Bartalini Scholarship Fund

Ben Lovejoy

Benjamin & Gynelle McBride

Beverly & Robert Buhnerkempe

Bruce & Kathleen Bothwell

Cameron Miranda

Casey Fenton

Catherine Kexel

Chris & Julie Neale

Chris Duderstadt

Chris Glubka

Christian D. Joos

Christopher Martin & Kimberly Cross

Colette Collester

Daniel & Mary Shields

David & Fran Lieberman

David & Martini Newhall

David Neale

Deborah Madden

Denise Ranish

Dennis & Susan Chaconas

Diane Coler-Dark

Donna Folliard & Sally Frangieh

Donna Wyatt

Dora Macias

Edwin & Nina Fong

Elliotte A. Bowerman

Esperanza Pallana

etsuko kubo

Fern Kruger

Franklin Hysten

Gail Greely & Lowry Fenton

Gayle Thomas

Geneva Lee

Greg Murphy

Gregory & Sandra Orloff

Hamilton & Helena Lengel

Hank Duderstadt

Harry Hartman

J. Silverman

Jane & David Pfeifer

Jane Sperling Wise

Jeanne Collester

Jim Franz

Joe Mariscal

John & Jennifer Paulus

John & Marty Booth

Joseph & Carrie Gray

Justin Harrison

Kandra Rivers

Karen Raz

Karl & Tamara Schirrmacher

Kathryn Young

Kim Coulthurst

Kimberly Cross

Laura Peck

Lawrence Escott

Lisa Laigo

Marcy Kates

Margery Trevithick

Mark & Edna Moran

Mary Gallagher

Mary Lou Greely

Mary Robillard

Matthew & Katherine Sperling

May Chow

Monica Brown

Nancy Challed

Nancy Gordon

Nathan Tan

Patricia Murillo

Patrick M. Tracy

Peter Hill Family

Rachel Rothman

Randall Stettler

Richard & Ruth Goldstein

Ring Family

Ritchie Garay

Robert & Mialisa Bonta

Robert Spevak

Robert Toth Jr.

Robyn Young

Ronald & Kathleen Palmer

Ronald Mooney

Rusty Carlson

Ruth Goldstein

Sandra Jones

Silvia Perez

Stephen A. Dexter & Elizabeth J. Sullivan

Stephen Carlson

Stephen Young

Steve Gordon

Sue Presco

Susan H. Pieper

Tricia Collins-Levi

Vicky De Monterey & David Richoux

Vicky Mattson

Victor Miller

Victor Valenzuela

Victoria D. Mycue

Vincent & Irene Cutaia

Vivian Forny

Walter Hong

Business Supporters

31 Design & Media

Alameda County Supervisor

Alice Lai Bitker’s Office

Alameda Sun

Alameda Theatre & Cineplex

Angela’s Restaurant

Avenue, Emeryville

Bank of Alameda

Blue Oak Therapy Center

C’era Una Volta-Once Upon A Time



Comcast Cable Communications, Inc.


East Bay ROP


Economy Lumber


Ex’pression College for Digital Arts

Fast Imaging

Mark’s Paint

Mission Minded


Peet’s Coffee &Tea

Ploughshares Nursery

Poppy Jasper Film Festival

Pottery Barn, Emeryville


Radical Media Group

Rosenblum Cellars

San Francisco Security Traders Association, INC

Slow Food Alameda

TWENTY20 Marketing

Vitec Group Communications IIC.

Wells Fargo

West Elm, Emeryville

Williams-Sonoma, Bay St.


Alameda Community Development

Alameda County Office of Education

Alameda Rotary Club

California 21st Century Learning

California Department of Education

City of Alameda Community
Development Block Grant

Comcast Foundation

Cricket Island Foundation


Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream Foundation

East Bay Community Foundation Donor-Advised Fund

Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund

First 5 Alameda County Child Care Facilities Fund

Gifts In-Kind International

Kiwanis Club of Alameda

Morris Stulsaft Foundation

Oakland Fund for Children & Youth

Oasis High School Foundation

Philanthropic Ventures Foundation

San Francisco Foundation

Shinnyo-en Foundation

United Way of the Bay Area/
JC Penney Foundation

W. Clement and Jessie V. Stone Foundation

Walter & Elise Haas Sr. Fund

Wayne & Gladys Valley Foundation

Whitman Institute

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

1st Build of school year = Successful Build

Many thanks to the following people who made our first Build a huge success: Sheri Hogsland, Jerome Bagget, Mike Brownlee, Jacqueline Bruhn, Federica and Roberto Attias, Elisabeth Wholfsky, Kevin Plottner, Peter Allison, Adam Jennings, Jon Sorrenson, Kimberly Cross, Chris Martin, Patrick Baggett, Emily Plottner, Lucy Allison, Alessandro and Elisa Attias, Makayla and Violet Sorrenson, Jasper Jennings, Eve Martin, Sky and Ginger.

The following projects were completed on Saturday November 14, 2009 in the Alternatives in Action preschool, Home Sweet Home:

Thanks to Adam Jennings and Mike Brownlee, the blinds are up in Room 2 and replaced the broken ones in our main classroom. It is already so much cooler in both rooms.

Jacqueline was enough to leave her warm home to drop off instructions and seeds early in the morning - then Federica, Elisabeth, Sky, Kimberly and the children weeded and reseeded both gardens! It's amazing how much they accomplished!

Jerome hung up the staff bulletin board outside - Ginger covered with paper, trimmed the edges and put up a heading "Staff Board." By the end of the week, you should find the weekly lesson plans, monthly snack menu and notice for upcoming evetns. Sheri Jerome also created a writing surface on the cabinet doors - we have to wait a few days before we can fully utilize. Look here to find quick daily messages and reminders.

Mike Brownlee brought in all of the parts needed to create balance beams and with the help of Jon Sorrenson, Chris Martin and Roberto assembled we now have at least 6 balance beams of various sizes. They were the hit of the playground today. We still need to varathane before the rains set in.

Kevin Plottner, Peter Allison and Roberto Attias - installed the privacy door to the bathroom. As an added safety precaution to avoid having small fingers crushed, I've purchased a device to prevent the door from closing all of the way; Sky is installing this afternoon. We did let the children try it out today; the older ones seemed very pleased to be able to finally get some privacy.

Inside Job (our contractors) are in the process of installing the kitchen cabinets in Room 2!

So thank you again to all who came by and made it all happen.

Monday, November 16, 2009

California College Tour 2009

On November 12 and 13, 2009, coaches Jason Gardner and Jonna Justiniano had a great time taking ten BASE High School youth on a California college tour. It was a huge success! In 36 hours, they toured the campuses of San Francisco State University, UC Santa Cruz, Cal State Monterey, and Cal State East Bay. In addition to touring the campuses, they spoke with admissions advisors, ate lunch in a student union, checked out dining halls, wandered around the spacious college libraries, spoke with college students about their experiences, sat in lecture halls that seat 300 students, and much more!

Thanksgiving x 2

BASE High School students, staff and families
On Friday, November 20, 2009, we are having our Annual Thanksgiving Potluck Lunch in the Big Room. It is an opportunity for us to come together, share what we are thankful for, enjoy good food and have a memorable, positive community experience.

Youth and adults bring food to contribute. Sign up sheets will be available on campus.

Questions? Contact BASE High School Principal, Amanda K. Hill at ahill@alternativesinaction.org

Home Sweet Home Preschool students, Big Friends, staff and families:
On Friday, November 20, 2009, we are having our Annual Thanksgiving Potluck Lunch in Room 2. This year's Thanksgiving Lunch will be shared by the children and parents of Home Sweet Home Preschool and the Big Friends that work in Home Sweet Home and their parents.

Sign ups for attendance as well as entrees, salads, dessert and drinks will be posted outside the preschool classroom today.

Questions? Contact Home Sweet Home Preschool Director, Debbie Shapiro at dshapiro@alternativesinaction.org